5 Invaluable Lessons Orphan Black Has Taught Us

Not only does Orphan Black entertain and keep us on the edge of our seats but week in week out, we get nuggets of wisdom to live by to boot.

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Orphan Black is, inarguably, one of the smartest, most fascinating tv shows of our time. It started its journey in 2013, and sadly, this year is the last year we will spend with the clones.

Nonetheless, we shall be taking life lessons from each of the characters that we will carry with us long after the show is over. 

Here are the top 5 things we learned, watching Orphan Black.


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Zosia Zoshu Wijaszka
Zosia (Sophia) from Poland. 22 years old, artist, writer and journalist at the beginning of the career. A TV geek, loves Orphan Black, binge-watching and checkered flannel shirts. Also Evelyne Brochu huge fan.