Orphan Black Fan Oeuvre Series 6 #OBFanArt

Orphan Black character sketches coming to life in beautiful forms and shapes...

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What the dickens is Oeuvre?!
oeu·vre /ˈəvrə,ˈo͞ovrə/ . noun
Just brushing up on our french. 😉 It means the works of an artist, painter, composer, or author regarded collectively. In this case, an Orphan Black fan’s catalogue of art presented in a series of posts, one post per artist.
Please respect copyright of our featured artists. No, You may not use them for commercial purposes. 
Please contact us or the artists directly for other forms of usage. Merci.


The works of @stella_schoeman in pencil drawings


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Christelle Schoeman
Hi I'm Christelle but everyone calls me Stella. I'm 31 and I'm gay. To be honest Orphan Black have had a big impact on my coming out. I always felt different. I have chronic depression bipolar; have dyslexia and high function autism. It is hard but I survived and the TV shows I love all made me stronger. I am my own teacher when it comes to drawing. I only use a B6 pencil and never uses an eraser. Drawing is my true passion and an escape from a world full of hate.