Get on board Orphan Black. Get caught up! Got it?

Are you Season 5 ready? Get on board the final trip... The train is leaving heading to its final destination.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

But what is “Orphan Black?”

On the seventh and eight episodes of Season One entitled “Parts Developed in an Unusual Manner” and “Entangled Bank” respectively, Orphan Black refers to orphans “in the black,” hidden during the restrictive regime of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. In Sarah Manning’s case, she was smuggled through the pipeline to avoid being subjected to medical experiments.
Get caught up again by watching these summary videos:

Orphan Black Season One and Two in four minutes

OB by OB: The Cast Recaps Seasons 1-3 of Orphan Black

Season one to four

A tale of sestras as narrated by a brother sestra. Felix Dawkins gives us a summary of the past 4 seasons of Orphan Black.

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